Comitato Nazionale di Bioetica: Tonino Cantelmi nominato componente
Fonte: Sanità 24 - Il Sole 24 ore, del 07/12/2022

Con decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, Giorgia Meloni, è stato costituito il Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica, tra i nuovi componenti il prof. Tonino Cantelmi.
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The Italian Committee for Bioethics (‘Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica’ –‘CNB’) has been established by decree of the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni.
Prof. Angelo Luigi Vescovi will hold the role of President, with Dr. Riccardo Di Segni, Prof. Mauro Ronco and Prof. Maria Luisa Di Pietro as Vice-Presidents.
The Committee members are as follows: Prof. Luisella Battaglia; Prof. Carlo Antonio Barone; Prof. Raffaele Calabrò; Prof. Stefano Canestrari; Prof. Tonino Cantelmi; Prof. Cinzia Caporale; Prof. Giuseppe Casale; Prof. Lorenzo d'Avack, Prof. Antonio Da Re, Prof. Maria Grazia De Marinis, Cons. Luisa De Renzis, Prof. Alberto Gambino, Prof. Maria Pia Garavaglia, Prof. Silvio Garattini, Dr. Matilde Leonardi, Dr. Andrea Domenico Maria Manazza, Avv. Domenico Menorello, Prof. Maurizio Mori, Prof. Assunta Morresi, Prof. Alessandro Nanni Costa, Prof. Claudia Navarini, Dr. Carlo Maria Petrini, Prof. Giovanna Razzano, Dr. Marcello Ricciuti, Dr. Giuliana Ruggieri, Prof. Luca Savarino, Prof. Lucetta Scaraffia, Prof. Stefano Semplici and Prof. Grazia Zuffa.
The Italian Committee for Bioethics will remain in office for four years starting from 6 December 2022.
“I wish to express my deep satisfaction that the Italian Committee for Bioethics has been established”, commented President Meloni. “In appointing this important body, ideal and professional pluralism criteria were taken into account, including a wide variety of members in terms of the areas they come from, their experience and their backgrounds. The rotation of Committee members has been duly guaranteed and we have ensured there is a gender balance and representatives from medical, philosophical and legal fields as well as biotechnology and religious expertise. I wish the Italian Committee for Bioethics all the best with its work”.
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